Morning Worship begins at 10.45 am unless otherwise stated. Children and young people will be in Church for the first 10 – 15 minutes of the service, then will go into Junior Church to continue their own activities in an age-appropriate manner. At the moment, weather permitting, all our services will be held outdoors.
Key: -
AAW All Age Worship. This indicates that the service is suitable for people of all ages from 5 to 95! Children will stay in Church for the whole of the service. These services are usually held once a month.
TtD Time to Discover. A service incorporating various activities, including reading, writing, music. etc. which people can select as much or as little as they wish to take part in. These services are held once a quarter.
MtM Mission through Music service. A non-traditional type of service which is based around more contemporary songs played by our resident musicians. This is always an AAW service involving all the congregation. These services are held once a quarter.
Café Café-style Worship, where people generally sit around tables and have refreshments during the service. These services are held once a quarter
Sunday 2nd February Service led by Martyn Bennett
Duty Steward; David Clarke
Sunday 9th February Service led by Liz Delafield
Duty Steward; Colin Lewis
Sunday 16th February Service led by Rev Raj Patta. HC.
Duty Steward; Alan Stephens
Sunday 23rd February Service led by Phil Drew
Duty Steward; Robin Squelch
Sunday 2nd March Local Arrangement Service led by TBC
Duty Steward; Eric Heung
Sunday 9th March Service led by Andrew Palmer. MtM.
Duty Steward; Alan Stephens
Sunday 16th March Service led by Rev Raj Patta. HC
Duty Steward; David Clarke
Sunday 23rd March Service led by Sue Shillito.
Duty Steward; Colin Lewis
Sunday 30th March Service led by Anne Wilde
Duty Steward; Robin Squelch
Sunday 6th April Service led by Janet Amey
Duty Steward; Dorothy Goodger
Sunday 13th April Service led by Joanne Roy. Café.
Duty Steward; Eric Heung
Sunday 20th April Service led by Service led by Rev Raj Patta. HC.
Duty Steward; Alan Stephens
Sunday 27th April Service led by Andy Stoker
Duty Steward; Colin Lewis
Sunday 4th May Service led by Adrian Law.
Duty Steward; Robin Squelch
Sunday 11th May Service led by Service led by Rev Raj Patta. HC
Duty Steward; David Clarke
Sunday 18th May Service led by Andrew Palmer. MtM.
Duty Steward; Alan Stephens
Sunday 25th May Local Arrangement Service led by TBC
Duty Steward; Dorothy Goodger